Recently our company have launched a new Complaint Management System for Property Management Company use and we have receive very good feedback with currently 17 site (condo / apartment / gated community) management office using our complaint management system.
The intended benefits of CMS and Cloud Computing are as follows
- Allow easy record / monitoring / update of complaints submitted by resident
- Allow easy record / monitoring / update of repair progress by technician / service providers
- Allow easy record / monitoring / update of overdue complaints that yet to be follow up
- Allow easy handover of complaints to be follow up by new building manager / technician
- Allow easy review of complaint history
- Allow easy review of frequency of repair of the same problem
- Allow easy retrieval of complainant contact details
- Allow easy reporting of complaints to MC / JMB with statistic and charts
- Maybe use for KPI reporting and to justify the man power used to resolved a complaint
Other Benefits
- Just subscribe and start using
- NO maintenance and upgrade of hardware / server
- NO maintenance and upgrade of network
- NO maintenance and upgrade of security
- NO maintenance and upgrade of database
- NO maintenance and IT personnel cost
Please contact us should you require demo & try out our system
Enquire for 30 days FREE trial now! Price starts from RM350 monthly / site.
Sample CMS Screenshot
- List of Complaints
- Complaint Report
- Detailed Statistics of Complaints
- Complaint Summary Chart